November 2018
This is a series of 56 images of the symptoms of Anxiety Disorders, Depression, the Warning Signs of Suicide, and the Warning Signs of mental health problems. They were created to live in print and web but their main purpose is to be in a website.
The website will show the statistics of mental health to show how prevalent mental health problems are and for the suffer to know they are not alone. The name of the symptom/warning sign and brief description will be under the illustration and when it is clicked on there is a longer description on how the symptom manifests and how it can affect the sufferer's daily life.

Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, and Phobias

Fear/Anxiety Out of Proportion

Hinder Function

GAD: Fatigued

GAD: On Edge

GAD: Restlessness

GAD: Problem

GAD: Problems Thinking

GAD: Muscle Tension

GAD: Worrying About Health/Chores

Panic: Palpitations

Panic: Sweating

Panic: Trembling

Panic: Smothering

Panic: Chest Pain

Panic: Feeling Dizzy

Panic: Feeling like Choking

Panic: Numbness/Tingling

Panic: Chills/Hot Flashes

Panic: Nausea

Panic: Feeling Disconnected

Panic: Fear of Losing Control

Panic: Fear of Dying

Phobia: Distress

Phobia: Extreme Avoidence

Phobia: Social Embarassment

Phobia: Fear of Separation

Feeling Sad

Loss of Interest

Appetite Changes

Sleep Problems

Loss of Energy

Increase of Purposeless Activity

Feeling Worthless or Guilty

Difficulty Thinking/Concentrating

Fear of Dying
Suicide Warning Signs



Looking for and End

Withdrawing from Activities

Isolating from Friends and Family

Sleep Problems

Saying Goodbye

Giving Away Posessions





Loss of Interest




Relief/Sudden Improvement
Warning Signs


Drop in Functioning

Problems Thinking

Increased Sensitivity


Feeling Disconnected

Illogical Thinking


Unusual Behavior

Sleep Changes

Appetite Changes